PDF kostenlos The Prophet
PDF kostenlos The Prophet
Als einer der Fenster die neue Welt zu öffnen, diese The Prophet liefert seine bemerkenswerten Schreiben vom Autor. Veröffentlicht in unter den populären Autoren, dieses Buch The Prophet wird zu einem der meistgesuchten Bücher in letzter Zeit. Eigentlich wird das Buch sicherlich keine Rolle , ob das The Prophet ein Bestseller ist oder nicht. Jede Veröffentlichung wird immer feinste Ressourcen bieten dem Anwender alle feinsten zu bekommen.

The Prophet

PDF kostenlos The Prophet
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Auch die Rate einer Publikation The Prophet ist so kosteneffektiv; viele Leute sind wirklich beiseite zu legen ihr Geld geizen die Bücher zu kaufen. Die anderen Faktoren sind , dass sie sich schlecht fühlen und haben keine Zeit zu gehen , um die Veröffentlichung Unternehmen suchen Guide The Prophet zu überprüfen , wirklich. Nun, das ist die heutige Zeit; zahlreiche E-Bücher könnten schnell erreicht werden. Da dieses The Prophet und mehr Bücher auch, können sie extrem schnell Mittel eingegeben werden. Sie werden sicherlich müssen nicht nach draußen gehen , um dieses Buch zu bekommen The Prophet
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Taschenbuch: 89 Seiten
Verlag: Independently published (14. Januar 2019)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1794078118
ISBN-13: 978-1794078116
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
15,2 x 0,6 x 22,9 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.4 von 5 Sternen
44 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 23.486 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
This book is wonderful. Deep revelations about life written in a beautiful, poetic way. I was in tears several times because it touched me so much.
A guide through life embellished by beautiful language and written to address directly the soul. An absolute must-read for everyone!
The book is amazing (because I read it in German also) but this englisch translation is not complete. There are words missing and therefore sometimes it doesn't make any sense.
Jungere Menschen aber auch ältere Menschen wurde diesen Buch gern lesen!Es gibt viel innere und auch poetische Schönheit!Viel Spass!
This is a wonderful book, very advisable as a present - poetry for people who don't go for poetry (mind you, it's prose).
Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes ein wundervolles Buch, das aus meiner Sicht jeder einmal gelesen haben muss. Ein tolles Buch.
Habe das Buch jetzt schon oft verschenkt. Es enthält tiefgründige Wahrheiten zu den essenziellen Themen des Lebens wie Liebe, Freundschaft, Kindererziehung, Ehe und viele mehr. Mir gefällt die englische Originalversion sehr gut, da die Sprache des Autors den inhaltlichen Weisheiten eine faszinierende Ästhetik verleiht. Ein tolles kleines Buch!
The Prophet is about a mysterious religious thinker who is about to leave for his native land. Before he goes, many people have just one question to ask him. In a very few words, he tells them his accumulated wisdom primarily in a nondenominational way. The only exceptions come in the references to rebirth. The essence of each brief lesson is that we have to step outside of our own perspective to see things in the way that God does and wants us to.Let me give you an example. When someone transgresses either man's laws or God's laws, we tend to condemn the person harshly and focus on punishment. This is like treating the person as though they have fallen below some level of what it is still to be human. Yet no one does anything worse than what some person has done wrong before and will do wrong again.Surely, our reaction should still focus, like a Mother's, on the fundamental humanness of the person and our desire to have the person be a contributing, loving, and helpful part of our community.Another way to think about the lessons of The Prophet is to notice that nature loves a balance. If we interfere with nature, nature overreacts in some new way that counters our interference. This happens when we put too much phosphate into lakes. Algae blooms expand exponentially to eat the phosphate. These lessons help us to see the balance that is missing in our initial reaction.A good parallel can be found in the study of the brain. Our initial reactions when frightened or threatened are focused in the oldest parts of the brain. This part of the brain triggers strong chemicals to be released that engage us in "fight or flight" reactions that can save our lives in the near-term. In the "civilized" world, we often have these reactions just to stress. Gibran is helping us move to our highest level of consciousness by choosing our reactions, and selecting reactions that integrate all parts of our brains plus our near- and long-term best interests as individuals and as a community.Many Eastern religions encourage one to become free of the conscious mind, and that sense of objectivity is captured nicely here. I have a feeling much like when meditating while I read The Prophet, because of its calming influence on my overreactive senses.I also think of this perspective like being on the Moon and observing the circumstances on Earth through a telescope. With such extreme distance should come detachment from the ego, to permit good thinking.But none of these perspectives are directly suggested or alluded to. The moral lessons are simply there, with the briefest possible examples to make them clear. As such, they are masterpieces of good thinking, moral ethics, and fine communication.The answers are so brief and so profound that you will want to discuss them. I suggest you select another member of your family, or a group of people from your house of worship. The lessons are best explored by discussing tangible situations that you face every day. Certainly, it is desirable and appropriate to consider the direct teachings of your religious heritage and beliefs in this connection.Whenever you feel overwhelmed, turn to the page in The Prophet that addresses your issue. Like taking a warm bath, you will be soothed by the love for humanity in the answers Gibran provides.Before you speak, ask yourself who is about to speak for you and what do they want.
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