Free PDF Simon Wiesenthal: The Life and Legends
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Simon Wiesenthal: The Life and Legends

Free PDF Simon Wiesenthal: The Life and Legends
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"Mr. Segev, justly celebrated for his histories of formative moments of the state of Israel, is as careful a biographer as he is an historian. . . . Gripping yet sober, this meticulous portrait of a complicated man is unlikely to be bettered."—The Economist "[A] meticulous yet forceful new biography . . . [Segev's] book delivers not merely an intimate account of Wiesenthal's life and times, but also judicious examinations of the many controversial and little-known aspects of that life. . . . It is a serious pleasure to imagine a new generation of readers discovering his life in this careful telling."—The New York Times“Segev sticks to the ‘true story,’ [which is] what makes all of his work so compelling. Telling the unvarnished truth ultimately honors the man he is writing about, and Wisenthal emerges from Segev’s book as an even richer and more consequential character than the one he invented for himself.”—Los Angeles Times“Segev is one of the world’s great investigative reporters—in a class with bloodhounds like Seymour Hersh and the late David Halberstam. . . . The real achievement of this warts-and-all biography [is] that truth, justice, and memory are the province not of saints, but of flawed human beings.”—Susan Jacoby, The Washington Post"Tom Segev has produced a biography that is a model of fascinating description and measured analysis."—The Sunday Times (UK)"Segev paints a vivid portrait of this human dynamo who made it his life’s work to make people not only confront and remember the Nazi genocide but also to punish as many of its perpetrators as possible."—San Francisco Chronicle"A brilliant and gripping account of an extraordinary life. It draws upon extensive research to offer new insights into the complex personality as well as the notable achievements of Simon Wiesenthal."—Sir Ian Kershaw, author of Hitler: A Biography
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Tom Segev is the award-winning author of seven works of nonfiction. A columnist for Haaretz, Israel’s leading daily newspaper, he lives in Jerusalem.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 512 Seiten
Verlag: Schocken; Auflage: Reprint (3. April 2012)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0805212086
ISBN-13: 978-0805212082
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
13,2 x 2,7 x 20,3 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 1.030.181 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
simon wiesenthal ist eine vielschichtige persönlichkeit, voll widersprüchen, bruchkanten und zugleich das, was man auf jiddisch "a mensch" hat unfassbares leid erfahren und sein ganzes leben nach der shoah der jagd nach kriegsverbrecherInnen, mörderInnen und schergen gewidmet um zu zeigen, dass neimand unangreifbar ist, sich niemand seiner verantwortung entziehen kann - egal wie alt oder krank diese scheusale inzwischen wurden. sein wohl grösster erfolg ist die ergreifung, verurteilung und hinrichtung von eichmann, dem musterbild des schreibtischtäters.zugleich war es wiesenthal stets wichtig, recht und nicht rache zu üben, wie der titel eines von ihm verfassten buches lautet.tom segev nähert sich dieser komplexen person von vielen seiten, seziert sie und zeichnet ein bild, das keinem bisherigen cliché entspricht, sondern den wahren simon w. zeigt.tiefer respekt für tom segev und unendliche bewunderung und ... ja ... liebe für simon wiesenthal.
It's the first book I've read about Mr. Wiesenthal and I loved it. It was written very objectively. He was a man so he was not perfect. He had his flaws as we all do. The antagonistic relationships he had with Bruno Kreisky, the Klarsfelds, Marvin Hier (founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center), and others is amazing. As well as his friendships with Kurt Waldheim and Albert Speer are fascinating too. Whichever side you side with, he will always be a historical figure. I'm not Jewish but I can't help loving a man with so much dedication so the world not forget the ATTEMPTED annihilation of a people simply based on their religion. Now I think I'll read The Sunflower.
It is a drag, is not well written to MY liking, is slow and mixes historical periods, goes back and forth without any need to the structure of the book.
Tom Segev, an Israeli writer and reporter for Haaretz, has produced a scrupulously researched account of Simon Wiesenthal's life and "legends", by which he means the often varying versions of Wiesenthal's hunt for Nazi criminals. Wiesenthal did his work from an office, first in Linz, then in Vienna, combing through documents in search of SS officers -- "the murderers among us", as Wiesenthal termed it. Famous for locating Eichmann in Argentina, for hunting down the commandant of Treblinka and many others, most famously Mengele, Wiesenthal gave varying accounts of his activities. Segev has gone through the archives, the biographies, the adventure stories, with - I can only say the doggedness of a Wiesenthal.Unfortunately, not all the details of Wiesenthal's work in, say, the 1950's are necessary. I could have skipped a lot of the minutiae without regret. Martin Gilbert also collects minute details about Churchill but as a historian he is a compelling, lucid writer and Tom Segev, at least in translation, is not. The narrative gets bogged down and the reader loses the thread. As the story develops and Wiesenthal gains greater reknown, however, the story picks up speed. Segev describes the establishment of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles and Wiesenthal's initial support for its director, Marvin Hier, and his growing dissatisfaction at being treated he felt, as a mere figurehead. Even more interesting was the rivalry Wiesenthal felt with Elie Wiesel for moral authority and indeed, for the Nobel Prize. Segev brings out the basic philosophical difference between the two: Wiesenthal was a universal humanist, insisting the Holocaust happened not just to the Jews, but to millions of other victims of the Nazis. Wiesel, on the other hand, in establishing the Washington Holocaust Museum spoke out for the primarily Jewish effect of the Holocaust, though there were other victims.Segev's tone is strictly dispassionate. Nazi crimes are mentioned only in very general terms. The focus of the book is on retelling the life and sifting for the truth as thoroughly as possible. Segev is very factual. He asks at every turn, is there evidence?Segev presents Wiesenthal as a difficult person, with reason. He seemed not to care about his wife and child. His daughter grew up and went to school in Austria, an anti-Semitic country. Wiesenthal brought many Nazis to justice, but he had many failures, too. Segev astutely assesses his motives for Nazi hunting as rooted in survivor guilt. He explains this better than I could in the last chapter. I think Segev's journalistic skepticism is needed, but at times I feel he is overly European in his outlook. For example, he dismisses Golda Meir as "a suspicious person with narrow horizons" in the same breath as he praises Austrian chancellor Bruno Kreisky as "a statesman who thought in the broadest international terms". Yet Segev's discussion of Kreisky's character in contrast to his arch-rival Wiesenthal in terms of Viennese Jew versus Ostjude, is right on target. Lots of good material here, but most of it is in the last 100 pages of a 400 page book.
This is an interesting look at a man who was famous for his Nazi-hunting, but written with the eye of a thorough journalist. Segev shines a light on both the humanity of Wiesenthal and the incredible circumstances surrounding Jews at the end of WW2. None of us have a good understanding of what these people endured after WW2 and this book gives you an, at times, overly thorough look at this incredible and insane time. Drink a lot of coffee to handle all the details, but enjoy a facinating look at this part of Jewish and world history!
Simon Wiesenthal the infamous international Nazi hunter has had numerous books and movies written and produced about him. Including the tear jerking DVD "I HAVE NEVER FORGOTTEN YOU". The author Tom Segev's research and investigation is excruciatingly detailed and perhaps too minutely targeted. Utilizing newly available information from governments around the world including data from the secret services of the United States, Israel, Poland, and East Germany, along with having access to Wiesenthal's private papers... the author spends as much time and energy raising questions about Simon's motives, integrity, and boasts... as he does on his actual historical accomplishments. What after awhile seems to be an ongoing flood of decades of soap opera like accusations... many claims are disproved... some claims are acknowledged... and some are left to simply float into the ether.Wiesenthal's childhood and his internment in multiple Nazi prison camps are discussed but they are not the type of intricately despicable details as have been covered in other Wiesenthal media. This is more of a textbook like dissection of Simon's interaction with all forms of media representatives such as newspaper and magazine reporters, and his connections, both real and imagined with multiple countries secret service organizations. Untold microcosms of innumerable events within each of these categories are held up to a bright light with the sole purpose of filing each individual circumstance into a slot designated either... "HAPPENED-WITH-PROOF"... "NEVER-HAPPENED"... "POSSIBLY-HAPPENED"... "MAY-NOT-HAVE-HAPPENED"... et al. Because of this constant attempt to put even the smallest details (Which may not even be that interesting or earth shattering) under the strongest literary microscope, many parts of the book seem to drag.There are of course the names of histories must wretched individuals ranging from Hitler to Eichmann to Stangl to Mengele to Bormann... and so on... through the list of the Holocaust's horrific non-human abominations. But this book does not attempt to go anywhere near the detail on these individuals that have been unearthed like the turning over of a rock many times before. Covered are Wiesenthal's many books he authored... the many articles he wrote... the speeches he gave... his battle for funding... his allies and enemies (in his quest for bringing Nazi's to justice)... and the constant effort by the author to prove... disprove... or not come to a full conclusion... on seemingly endless minute issues... rather than more fully explore and share the bigger picture items that made Simon Wiesenthal such a revered figure keep this book from fully satisfying the reader.With the overall tone of the book seeming to be verification or non-verification on the historical image that was Simon Wiesenthal a quote from Mordechai Elazar a Mossad (Israel's secret service.) agent seems to sum it up well:"WIESENTHAL WAS A MAN WITH MANY IDENTITIES-LIKE A DIAMOND WITH MANY FACETS," "ELAZAR RECALLED AFTER HE RETIRED. THEY SPOKE YIDDISH. IN THE EYES OF HIS ISRAELI FRIEND, WIESENTHAL WAS THE ULTIMATE JEW AND THERE WAS NOTHING THAT WAS MORE JEWISH THAN HE WAS. HE WAS REFERRING TO, AMONG OTHER QUALITIES, WIESENTHAL'S WILLINGNESS AND ABILITY TO LIVE OUT OF CHOICE IN A COUNTRY WHERE JEWS WERE NOT WANTED AND TO HIS INCLINATION TO FEEL AT HOME THERE."
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